Wednesday, July 8, 2015

MMC #1 (the one I never posted)

Ahead of me I see the ocean—glistening and shimmering in its twilight splendor.  This water serves as the only place I can set down my guard and be who I am inside.  I run as fast as I possibly can, my bare feet flying over the smooth, wet ground in my effort to reach my destination.  I at last arrive at a jagged rock overhanging the ocean.  I climb up shakily for I am barely able to walk on my feet alone anymore, and my hands are begging—aching to be on solid ground as well.  In one last effort, I stand tall against the full moon; my loosely hanging dress flows freely as the wind of the cold night blows it against me.  I drink it all in, the moon, the salty air, and the sound of water lapping against the shore.  I smile the moment has come; I can now be who I was born to be.  I feel my arms began to shake and the fuzzy feeling of fur crawling up against my skin.  It used to bother me when first it happened but now I am used to it and welcome the change with gladness.  But now I must focus, the part that is most crucial is here—I must focus on controlling my own thoughts.  If I forget for just one moment, the savageness of a hungry beast will consume me. 
I have now passed the turning point and I drop my paws to the ground.  I hear the baying of my brothers and sisters all around me.  We gather around each other, a silent message shared between us all.  We lift our heads to the full moon and sing; our pack’s song reaching from within our souls and out unto the ends of the earth.   

302 words.  I used the picture prompt. 

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