Tuesday, March 15, 2016

MMC #11

I haven't written and MMC for a long time now, but I thought I'd try it again! :)

MMC (Monday's Minute Challenge) is a quick writing exercise to get those writer's juices flowing.  You can find out more about them here: http://christiswrite.blogspot.com/2016/03/mondays-minute-challenge-writing-prompt.html

I used the picture prompt.

Word count: 278

A man donned in a grey cloak, his brow drawn, stared down upon a boy dressed in a black hood.  His old eyes studied the young eyes of the boy.  The youth's expression, however, was unreadable.
“Pray tell,” said the elder, “What makes you think you are the one that was called for?”
The boy’s expression never changed.  “My mother told me.”
The man’s wrinkled, solemn demeanor gave way to a slight chortle “Ah, but it is every mother’s dream that her son be the one to change the tide and break the curse.”  The mockery in his tone gave way to that of despondency.  “Go on home, boy,” he sighed, “A mother’s dream can’t end the war.”
“I am he.”  The boy insisted.  “And I can prove this to you.”  He slowly lifted his right hand forward, spreading his fingers apart. A single spark kindled from the center of his palm.
The elder’s dark eyes opened wide.  The corners of his mouth lifted and he shook grey head in awe.  “You are the one—you are the one who is to save us!” 
The fire died and the boy bowed his head.  “I am he.”  He tilted his head up; his stoic expression began to change.  A strange sort of expression twisted his young features, causing the elder to feel unsettled in a way he could not describe.  “I am he.”  The boy continued “My mother—she died of agony in this knowledge.”  He stood up straighter, all at once not seeming the innocent boy he was, but so much more than that.  He grinned, his green eyes peering down upon the man.  “And so shall you.”


  1. Oh my goodness this was amazing Natalie!!

    1. Thank you so much, Shelby!! I love reading your writings as well. :)
