Friday, October 2, 2015

MMC #8

New Monday Minute Challenge!  *cheesy grin*
If you want to find out more about Monday Minute Challenges, you can learn all about them here:

It is 299 words long,  I used the picture prompt and the sentence prompt.

The icy cold whirled through the wind, creeping up behind me like some of harbinger of doom.  However evanescent a childhood may be, it still has a dominate impact on us throughout the rest of our lives.  As I walk this trail in the wood, I have almost forgotten my life before.  I have almost, but not completely, forgotten the lonely nights in the closet.  I don’t readily recall the meager meals and the constant fear of each day being my last.  I certainly don’t remember the man who never let me see the light of day.  The same man who hated me and spent every day of my existence torturing me, using me as some meaningless leverage.  He didn’t love me; I was merely a means to an end.  I hated that feeling of despair and I hate that man.  He ruined my life.  
And yet, how can I explain that…that I love him?  I miss him.  I find myself wishing I could have pleased him.  But I was never good enough.
On the road ahead of me there sits my lonely car.  As to be expected from the fast falling snow, it is covered in a thin layer of white.  But on the window of this car, looping through the snow encrusted shield is scrawled: —
“We Should Talk.”
I freeze where I stand.  Flowing through me is a mixture of terror and dread but also, a part of me wants to cry and laugh with relief.
This feeling is amplified by the distinct sound of a cocked pistol. 
“Whatever you do,” a voice behind me says.  “Do not turn around.”
“Dad.”  I say.  I close my eyes and feel the tears begin to stream down my cheeks as I hear his familiar, husky voice reply—
“Hello, son.”

1 comment:

  1. I have tagged you for the One Lovely Blog Award over at my blog:
